Edafología. Volumen 7-3. Septiembre 2000. pág 169-175.




Ortiz, I., Martín, F. Dorronsoro, C. y Simón, M.

Dpto. de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Facultad de Ciencias, Univ. de Granada




A sequence of four soils located in Nigüelas (south of Granada) is studied. Their formation should take place during Quaternary. In all of them a red-coloured Bt horizon is developed, but with different degree of evolution that should reflect the climatic variations of each episode. When this episodes are superposed on a superficial soil, the degree of development of the soil correspond with the one of maximum evolution, erasing the features of the less intense episodes; so when the age of the soil is estimated by its degree of evolution, only the duration of the episode of maximum evolution is reflected and not the one of the whole soil.

Key words: Quaternary, pedogenetic episodes, age of soil.



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